Weed Control

Weeds are plants that are well-suited to the local climate and growing conditions, which makes them prolific and resilient.

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The simple definition of a weed is a plant that’s not wanted, or at least not wanted where it’s growing. Weeds are plants that are well-suited to the local climate and growing conditions, which makes them prolific and resilient.

How you eliminate or control a specific type of weed depends on whether it’s an annual, biennial, or perennial. Annual weeds complete their growth in a single season and have shallow roots. Annual weeds should be destroyed before they flower and make seeds. Perennial weeds are harder to remove since they may have large taproots, rhizomes, or runners that are hard to get rid of completely. The tiniest piece of root remaining after pulling a perennial weed, such as Nutsedge, can produce a new plant.

If you don’t like living with weeds in your ornamental landscape beds, islands and natural areas, there are two options for control:

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